

Temple de Vers-l'Église



Temple de Vers-l'Église

Chamber Choir of the University of Freiburg



Since 1987, the Fribourg University Chamber Choir (CCUF) has been led by its founding conductor, Pascal Mayer, and cultivates an extensive repertoire ranging from the Renaissance to the present day. Focusing on music from the last two centuries, the choir has premiered several contemporary works (by Fritz Voegelin, Joseph Haselbach, Laurent Mettraux, Caroline Charrière, Henri Baeriswyl, Jean-François Michel), some of which were commissioned at its initiative. It also enjoys lighter repertoire, from folk songs to musicals.

Distinct from the Chœur de l'Université et des Jeunesses Musicales de Fribourg (CUJM), which is essentially a student choir, the CCUF is made up of experienced amateur choristers who meet strict vocal and musical requirements. It gives numerous concerts a cappella or with piano or organ accompaniment, small instrumental ensembles and large orchestras. It also takes part in festivals and choral gatherings. In concert, its numbers vary from thirty to sixty singers. Occasionally, it joins large oratorio and opera choruses.

Among the distinctions that have marked the CCUF's activities are an "excellent" rating at the Montreux International Choral Festival, first prize from the jury and the audience at the Charmey National Choral Meetings, and a second prize with an "excellent" mention at the Swiss Choral Union competition in Zug. In 2002, it participated in the Swiss National Exhibition "Expo 02," where its performance of Stravinsky's "Les Noces" was both remarkable and well-received. The choir has also embarked on several international tours, notably in China, South Africa, and most recently in Hamburg.
